About Membership

All persons who wish to support the association’s objectives have the right to be granted membership. The application for membership may only be rejected if it can be assumed that the applicant will work against the association’s purpose, the values of sport or  otherwise damage the association’s interests. Membership is granted by the board or by the person to whom the board has delegated decision-making rights. The membership is valid until further notice. The decision to reject the membership application must be made by the board or by the person to whom the board has delegated decision-making rights. Before such a decision is made, the person in question must be given the opportunity to opinion within a certain period of time, at least 14 days, the circumstances that are the reasons why membership is being questioned. In the decision to reject the membership application, the reasons must be stated and what the member applicant must observe in order to appeal the decision. The decision must be sent within three days from the day of the decision in written form to the person whose membership application was rejected. The decision to reject the membership application may be appealed by the person concerned within three weeks to the relevant special sports association.

Decision-Making body:

The association’s decision-making bodies are the annual meeting, extra annual meeting and the board.

Members' obligations:

Each member is obliged to comply with the association’s charter

Withdrawal of Membership:

A member who wishes to withdraw from the association must notify this in writing. If a member has not paid prescribed fees to the association upon such withdrawal, the association’s board decides whether they must be paid or not. If a member has not paid the membership fee for two consecutive years, the association may decide to terminate the membership. Unless otherwise decided, membership ceases according to the first or second paragraph when the member is removed from the membership list. The person must be notified that the membership has ended.

Cancellation of Membership:

A member who violates the charter or who obviously harms the association or opposes its interests or purposes may be expelled from the association by the board. An excluded member can refer the issue of exclusion to the association meeting by notifying the board within one month of the notice of the exclusion being sent to the member. 

Member's participation in competition activities:

Members have the right to participate in the association’s sporting events/activities in the forms that are accepted as sports and on the same terms that apply to other members. The association has the right to set special conditions for the performance of certain assignments. When participating in a competition or exhibition, a member represents his association. The association determines the conditions for member participation in competitions or exhibitions. For participation in competitions or exhibitions outside Sweden, the relevant SF’s approval is required. If the organizer of the competition or exhibition is not connected to the SF that administers the sport in question, the member may only participate if the SF has approved the competition or exhibition.

Associations meetings:

The Board of Directors determines the time and place for annual meetings and other meetings

Annual general Meeting:

The annual general meeting, which is the association’s highest decision-making body, shall be held annually before 31 December, the time and place determined by the board. Written notice must be sent by e-mail / sms to all members or letter by post to those members who do not have e-mail, at least 21 days before the regular annual meeting. The annual meeting will be held before the end of December. Association meetings will be held when the board deems it necessary or when at least 10 members request the of a meeting to consider one or more specific matters. Notice of a meeting of associations shall be provided to the members no later than 14 days in advance. 

The following matters shall be considered at the annual meeting:

Extra Meeting:

If necessary, the board may call an extra meeting for the associations member,.
Furthermore, the Board is obliged to call an extraordinary meeting when the auditors, stating the reasons in writing, require, or when it is requested for the specified purpose by at least one tenth of the members those who are entitled to vote of the association.


The association’s day-to-day/ongoing operations are managed by a board consisting of the chairman, vice chairman, sport secretary, cultural secretary and two deputies. The board meets when the chairman finds it necessary or when at least three members request such a meeting. The board is quorum when all members have been called and 8 at least half of them are present. In the event of an equal number of votes, the chairman has the casting vote. Board meetings are open to all members. 

Election of board:

Election of the chairman, vice chairman, sport secretary, and two ordinary members shall take place at the annual meeting in even years by members’ vote. The board appoints a secretary and treasurer from within it, and within or outside the board the functionaries it deems necessary

Amendment of the Charter:

Decisions to amend the charter require a two-thirds majority of the members present at two consecutive association meetings, at least two months apart, one of which is the annual meeting.

Dissolution of the association:

Decisions of the dissolution of the association require a two-thirds majority of the members present at two successive association meetings, at least two months apart, one of which is the annual meeting. The last of these meetings shall also determine how the assets of the association are to be disposed of.